星期四, 3月 23, 2006


Thursday, 19 May 2005

With author Dan Browne's international best seller The Da Vinci Code setting spin off trends in T.V specials, games and even a film, the latest advertising campaign from French fashion house Marithe & Francois Girbaud shows a gaggle of super models renacting the scene of Lenardo da Vinci's Christ's Last Supper. The centre figure represents Christ , with her hand gesture offering fashion to the world, like Christ offered peace. The Male figure represents Judas and portrays mere mortal males as easily tempted. Arguably true !

Marithe & Francois Girbraud's influences are obvious. The appeal of mystery, conspiracy and the revelation of hidden truths are all elements of Da Vinci Codes success and are portrayed blatantly through the use of female models in the traditional roles of men in this controversial advertising campaign. And what's a bit of controversy worth without a banning ? An Italian court has had the ad banned and it looks like the French are about to follow suit.

